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Name: amber eaton
Age: 31

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Location: holly wood
Country: American Samoa

Status: In relationship
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity: Mixed European
Religion: c.e

Body Type: Slim

Drink?: I am a alcoholic
Smoke?: I don't smoke
Drugs?: I don't use drugs

About Me

I am cool and i have loads of amazin m8z boyz n galz. i'm in high school n every 1 finks i'm paris hilton love da gamez here!

Other Information

Music: rehanna-umbrella r&b

TV: my sweet 16

Interests: shopping n desighning

amber's Friends

amber has 5 friends.


#151 Yom
#152 edgey123
#153 adamellis2
#154 alex101
#155 amber
#156 Cockhole
#157 hunt
#158 Zobo
#159 reeceybabi


Games Played: 141
Highest Ever: #105
Most Played: Bloody Day
Plays per Day: 0.0
Last Played: Drag Racer v3

This profile has had 1,687 views.